Another great review for Mine Eyes Hath Seen! From Glendale News-Press,0,147339.story

“No dry history lesson here. Theatre Banshee is marking the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War with a deeply affecting reprise of Mine Eyes Hath Seen …its intimate, skillful presentation breaches the pages of history with notable immediacy.”

Rave review for Theatre Banshee’s – Mine Eyes Hath Seen from Stage Scene LA’s Steven Stanley…

“Theatre Banshee commemorates the sesquicentennial of end of the bloodiest war in our nation’s history in their tenth-anniversary revival of Mine Eyes Hath Seen, Sean Branney and Leslie Baldwin’s theatrical montage of Civil War tales told “in their own words,” and powerfully so, under Branney’s imaginative direction…”


New promo photos for Mine Eyes Hath Seen

One of the new promo photos for Mine Eyes Hath Seen.
Playing through May 17
Fris and Sats @ 8PM, Suns @ 2PM
At: Theatre Banshee 3435 W. Magnolia Blvd, Burbank
For more info visit:

#LAthr #TheatreBanshee #CivilWar