Liza, Liza, Skies Are Grey Premiere

Full Cast/Crew shot at the “Liza, Liza, Skies Are Grey” premiere. Looked great! Was so cool to work with Terry Sanders, Erik Daarstad and so many other amazingly talented folks.

Completed the 2 year Meisner program at the Ruskin School of Acting!

Just finished the 2 year Meisner program at the Ruskin School of Acting and I’m on an emotional roller coaster of love, thanks, pride and relief.

Thank you Ruskin School of Acting, John Ruskin, Mike Myers and all the other beautiful people associated with it for empowering us as artists and opening our eyes to so many beautiful things in so many ways.

Saw The Martyr at Los Angeles International Shorts Festival

At The Martyr screening earlier this week at the Los Angeles International Shorts Festival! One of my favorite projects to have worked on last year. Was happy to see so many other cool films too! Left me salivating for a new project, I love walking out of a theater feeling that way.