Just signed with Avant Artists for Commercial/Print/VO representation! Psyched to be working with them.



FB – www.facebook.com/avantartists

First read through of Bus Stop

First table read of Bus Stop today at Little Fish Theatre!! Fun people, love the role, interesting “multi-level” play. Great way to feel on a first day.




Lucky guy this month

Had so many amazing roles on so many cool projects this month!

4 indie short films:
“Hush” directed by Robert Julin
“Potasiom” directed by Amalie Lorentzen
“Garden World” Zach & Bridget Music Video directed by Nicolette Daskalakis
“Gentle Touch” directed by Ian McClellan

AND the highlight of March: An Oscar winning director did an initial read through for his new feature and I got to read a supporting role for him.
(can’t reveal more till its out)

Cloud nine.

Bring it April.


The Choice – Outtakes

Outtakes from The Choice. So much fun to make.

The new reel is finished!

Giant thank you to editing bad boy’s Aaron Toy and Erik Dicksen for putting this together!
