The Daily Show finale

Just watched The Daily Show finale, really going to miss, Jon Stewart, part of my weekly routine. Seeing it in person when I was 20 was also the first time I’d ever witnessed a pro filming scenario and it was pretty magical. Me and Melissa Liquet, 10/9/2001, watching Jon talk to Owen Wilson about making Zoolander. I dug up this foam globe I got as shwag that day and hung it above my desk.

Crazy universe! Whatchoo doin? Flying to Portland and who should walk out of the flight gate coming INTO LA? A favorite PDX buddy/collaborator/director Jeff Harshman! Who I randomly had been talking to on the phone yesterday after being out of touch for months.

Just got cast in: Theatre Banshee’s Production – “Mine Eyes Hath Seen”

Can’t wait to get started! The audition sides were so fascinating.

Via Banshee: This production explores the Civil War through the first person writings of those who lived through it. Built from letters, diaries and journals and infused with songs and live music, Mine Eyes brings to life the varied perspectives and harrowing experiences of America’s most important historical event.

Really gonna miss hanging out with the Bus Stop posse every weekend. Thank you Little Fish Theatre!

Fun people, fun show!

And not a weak link to be found in the whole cast. Everyone had their own interesting color that blended with everyone else’s.

So rare and nice when that happens.

Last Show. Gonna miss the hell outta this show

Really fun night for a beautiful cause this weekend at The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation “Hope for the Holidays” Gala. So, so proud of Adele Rene for being such a magical host and for doing what she does best: taking the bull by the horns for her dreams! ❤️

Bus Stop is having a great run! SOLD OUT crowd yesterday & today!

If you’re coming, I’d buy tix now.


On the set of “The Martyr” today with Sayed Badreya of Iron Man (& many many other things)

Post UCB show drinks! Our show went great! Love these guys.

This is what it looks like when I’m getting a lot of acting business done.